Are you tapped into your

highly sensitive strengths?

Learn tools to nourish your nervous system

and tune into your gifts, without overwhelm.

Are you struggling with...

  • Wanting to tune out the world some days?

  • Anxiety or feeling constantly on the brink of burnout?

  • Expressing your needs rather than trying to please others?

  • Feeling overwhelmed with all the stimulation in our world today?

  • Perfectionism, procrastination or inadequate of receiving loved?

  • Creating healthy boundaries and not taking on others energy?

  • Trusting your intuition and discerning what energy is yours?

Did you know approximately 20% of the population is highly sensitive?

While being highly sensitive is a gift, it can also be incredibly overwhelming in our 24/7 overstimulating world with lots of intense energy! In this course we explore the science behind being highly sensitive from a nervous system perspective (we have 3 unique genes to support us), ways to create sustainable inner-peace, and how to connect with your amazing gifts!

As empaths we feel it all and often have insightful intuition. We are often highly creative, visionaries, and healers. Highly Sensitive people are usually very sensitive to stimuli - lights, sounds, smells, sensations, screens, our environments, other's energy, and typically need more solo time than others to recharge. This can also be complicated when there are patterns of pleasing others or not wanting to let people down, as our energy and needs can become compromised. Often physical, emotional, and energetic boundaries are enmeshed so much that it can be difficult to discern what is ours and what needs to be released. Because of all this and our sensitive nervous systems, highly sensitive people are more prone to anxiety and chronic burnout.

Sometimes we get diagnosed with anxiety, depression, ADHD, ASD, ODD, or OCD. While it may be beneficial to get the extra support... what really makes a difference is appreciating how finely tuned our nervous systems are and learning practical tools to help use feel at home in our bodies, so we can tap into our gloWithin - the magic we came here to share! Learn practical and intuitive tools to help you navigate this world on a heart and soul level, so you can connect with your gifts that this world so badly needs right now.

You will experience:

  • Science-Based Education: Learn about the your highly sensitive nervous system, the gifts in this, and practices to reduce overwhelm

  • Practical Guidance: Explore emotions, where they may have become 'stuck', and how to create healthy boundaries to honour your needs without guilt

  • Breathwork & Meditation: Guided breathwork & meditation practices to nourish your system and help you experience more calm and connection in your body, so you can tap into your gifts

  • Self Care Practices: Support in creating a personalized, sustainable, inspiring self care routine to support your holistic wellbeing for greater resilience

  • Embrace Your Gifts! You have been given these gifts for a reason. Now is the time to embrace them, in order to live in a way that is aligned with your purpose, for greater peace, love and joy. The world needs you!

  • Empower Children: Learn tools to support highly sensitive children so they can thrive!

  • Optional 1:1 Sessions: For further support, you are welcome to book 1:1 virtual sessions with Katie

  • Further Resources: See all the bonuses and further resources included below!

How did you hear about gloWithin?*

I agree to terms & conditions provided by gloWithin, and understand I can opt out of communication at anytime.

Nourish yourself & connect with your magic!

Begin today for only $333... or $222 if you signed up for the earlybird bonus!

(This course will launch in September but you will receive bonuses to begin now)

What's included:

  • Comprehensive Course Curriculum: Explore your unique gifts, strengths & common challenges that come with being a highly sensitive person

  • Practical Tools: Learn soulful and practical tools to help protect your energy, so you don't feel overwhelmed all the time

  • Guided Practices: Enjoy guided meditations and journaling to help you honour your energy & tune into your unique strengths and gifts

  • Private Community Support: Join a supportive community to share insights, ask questions, and receive further support on your journey

  • 1:1 Support: Option to add-on a 1 hour 1:1 session to answer any questions, release patterns + create new healthy ones

  • Lifetime Access: Receive lifetime* access to this course, any upgrades + support on the gloWithin App community

  • BONUS 1 - Intro to Breathwork & Somatics: Explore a brief overview of the nervous system and how breath supports us in calm, including simple breath practices for beginners and many to share with children

  • BONUS 2 - 33 Days of Self Care: Explore a new self-care practice each day, and learn the science behind how these nourish your nervous system. Stay inspired and see what resonates with you!

  • BONUS 3 - Master the Art of Parenting Your Highly Sensitive Child Summit: Enjoy insightful interviews with an incredible panel of speakers and professionals who support highly sensitive and neurodiverse individuals

Your info

FAQS for all App Courses

How are 1:1 sessions held?

Our sessions will be held securely via Zoom. You are welcome to reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to book a 1:1 package.

How will I receive my purchase?

When you register you will receive immediate access via email to your course and the Intro Course on the gloWithin App, and related Communities on the App for further support. You can open this from your email on your phone (iphone or Android) where you will be invited to download the gloWithin App for free if you don't already have it, or you can access on a laptop via the Web App.

How long will I have my course for?

It's yours to keep along with any updates! If for some reason I change platforms, I will ensure you have full access to the materials in a format to refer back to.

What's your refund policy?

Once you have opened your course there are no refunds. If you have not yet opened your course and would like a refund, please email [email protected]

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