Policies + Waiver

Policies + Waiver

Please be sure to read the policies + waiver below thoroughly. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]. I look forward to learning and growing with you!


Your information is solely for the use of gloWithin and stored securely within CoachMarketingHub. It will not be shared or sold. If you opt-in to receive any emails or SMS, you always have the option to change this.

Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct is based upon the Yamas (Disciplines) + Niyamas (Observances) of the 8 Limbs of Yoga, as laid out below. They apply to ourselves and the well-being of others. This Code of Conduct applies to our in-person and virtual community interactions.

AHIMSA– Compassion

I practice compassion towards myself + others, encouraging an environment of support

I hold space without judgement or criticism

SATYA– Truthfulness

I speak and practice with open honesty

I respect the confidentiality others entrust in me

ASTEYA – Courtesy

I arrive on time and am ready + present to contribute

I choose to abstain from gossip, so as not to contribute to negative energy

BRAHMACHARYA– Healthy Use of Energy

I bring positive energy + try to resolve concerns with integrity (off-days happen)

Each person + the space are sacred. I treat all in a respectful + safe manner

APARIGRAHA – Generosity

I act in a spirit of cooperation, collaboration, and transparency

I am inclusive and courteous, doing what I can to ensure all feel welcome

SAUCHA – Purity

I practice cleanliness by treating myself and the community space as a temple

I share health + safety concerns with Glowithin for the well-being of all

SANTOSHA – Contentment

I accept this space, myself and honour my strengths + weaknesses

I am my authentic self and I seek to empower others to also do soI meet myself where I’m at

TAPAS – Self-Care

I seek support where needed, and support others as requested

I use my best judgement + if I have questions or am struggling, I know I can ask for help

SVADHYAYA – Self-Awareness

I welcome self-reflection for my growth, and I respect others who are also doing the same

I ask questions + offer feedback if requested, and empower others to also do the same


I approach experiences + lessons with open minded curiosity

I remember I am a Divine Being, and respect this divinity in others



We have a ‘zero tolerance’ policy for harassment and will fully investigate any complaint. We also have ‘zero tolerance’ for retaliation against anyone who brings forward a harassment complaint.

Everyone in our community is entitled to an environment free of harassment, and we will make every reasonable effort to ensure such an environment exists. This pertains to all environments and interactions, to include; in-person and online.

Harassment includes:

Generally harassment is behaviour that persists over time, but can also be single events

Discrimination in reference to race, religion, sex, age, disability or any other grounds for discrimination

Unwanted physical or verbal behaviour that offends, intimidates or threatens you

Sexual harassment – any conduct, comment, gesture, or contact of a sexual nature that is likely to cause offence or humiliation


We ask that you please immediately notify you gloWithin should a violation of the Code of Conduct or our Anti-Harassment policy arise, so it may be documented and resolved appropriately, and in accordance with governing laws. You may notify the aforementioned in writing or verbally. We will not disclose the name of the complainant or the circumstances related to the complaint to any person unless disclosure is necessary for the purposes of investigating the complaint or taking disciplinary measures in relation to the complaint. Should you wish to remain anonymous, you can ask another to bring the concern forward on your behalf. Please note if you choose to remain anonymous, it restricts the actions we are able to take and will only be able to speak to the general community. Please remember, actions that go un-notified will often persist.

Everyone has the right to make a complaint under the Canadian Human Rights Act.


We understand that urgent or health situations come up from time to time. If you can not make a session, please notify [email protected] immediately. You will be able to make up your session with a private session at a charge of $50/hour. If you are in an in-person training, please get your notes from your buddy. If you are in an online training, you may be provided with the recording (if all students are comfortable with recordings).

If you miss more than 25% of your training, you will not be able to complete your session. Please see Refund Policy below.


All pricing is in Canadian Dollars for our in-person/ live trainings. GST (5%) extra. Includes $200 Administration Fee (non-refundable) per course or level.

Dates, times + format are subject to change. Format may change up to one day in advance due to Covid – we would go online/Zoom if needed to according to law. Dates + times may change up to one month prior. Should you not be able to make the new times, we can place you in the next training or you may receive a refund for this level.

If you need a payment plan, please email [email protected]. Payments must be completed prior to training start date.


Pricing is in US Dollars as we are serving the global market.



Up to 2 months prior to – full refund less Administration Fee ($200)

Up to 1 month prior to training – 50% refund less Administration Fee
1 month prior to training - no refunds


No refunds given once you have received/ begun the service or opened any products (virtual or physical).

We understand that sometimes urgent or health situations arise and may be prolonged. These situations will be handled case by case. If possible, we will try to get you into the next training with no additional charge, but this is not guaranteed.

Should you need to request a refund, please email [email protected]. Refunds will be processed in the same format received.


gloWithin and it's directors reserve the right to remove any participant who does not comply with our Code of Conduct and Policies, is placing themselves or others in danger.



You understand that you are responsible for your health and wellness in any online class or session you partake in, including the safety of the space in which you are using it. You agree that you understand it is solely your responsibility to seek professional and/ or medical advice and that Katie Connolly, gloWithin, or any contractors working with gloWithin, next of kin are not responsible. You also understand that classes may be recorded for marketing or other purposes. Katie will email you again to confirm it is ok to share any images prior to sharing for marketing purposes.


Declaration of Health: You declare that:You have not experienced any symptoms of COVID-19, including shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose, cough, fever or difficulty breathing in the last fourteen (14) days;

If You have exhibited any symptoms discussed in subsection (i) of this paragraph, You agree to cancel your appointment with and not enter premises where this service is being provided.(ii) have not been in close contact with a person diagnosed with, or suspected of being infected by COVI-19;You have self-isolated for a period of 14 days from the date of your return to Canada (if applicable), from the last date of contact with a person diagnosed with, or suspected of being infected by COVI-19, or the date you first experienced symptoms of COVID-19;I.

You release Katie Connolly (dba gloWithin, Joie de Vivre Yoga) and gloWithin from responsibility and/or liability of any harm incurred during or while receiving services;

Health Policies: You agree to abide by the health policies set out at the location where this service is offered, including recommendations from British Columbia Health Authorities and the Government of British Columbia or presiding authority.

WAIVER & RELEASE: Please read the following in its entirety. This document (“Waiver”) sets out the terms and conditions that govern service(s) provided to you as an individual (“You”, “Your”) by Katie Connolly dba gloWithin, Joie de Vivre Yoga (“I”). By signing this Waiver, you agree to be bound by, and to comply with the terms of the Waiver.

Assumption of Risk: You are aware that Yoga and Craniosacral and Somatoemotional Release and any other activities you participate in with gloWithin (including the mOm Retreat and their practitioners) may involve risks, dangers, and hazards.

Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims & Indemnity Agreement: In consideration of Katie Connolly dba gloWithin, gloWithin Foundation, Joie de Vivre Yoga allowing You to participate in Yoga and Craniosacral and Somatoemotional Release Activities, and for other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, YOU HEREBY IRREVOCABLY AGREE AS FOLLOWS:

1. TO WAIVE ALL CLAIMS that You have or may in the future have against Katie Connolly dba gloWithin, Joie de Vivre Yoga and TO RELEASE Katie Connolly dba gloWithin, gloWithin Foundation, Joie de Vivre Yoga from any and all liability for any loss, damage, expense, or injury including death that You may suffer, or that Your next of kin may suffer, resulting from either Your use of or Your presence at the premises DUE TO ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE, BREACH OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENT MISREPRESENTATION OR BREACH OF ANY STATUTORY OR OTHER DUTY OF CARE (INCLUDING ANY DUTY OF CARE UNDER THE OCCUPIERS LIABILITY ACT, R.S.B.C. 1996, c.337) ON THE PART OF gloWithin, AND ALSO INCLUDING THE FAILURE ON THE PART OF gloWithin TO SAFEGUARD OR PROTECT YOU FROM THE RISKS, DANGERS, AND HAZARDS OF YOGA ACTIVITIES;

2. TO INDEMNIFY AND SAVE HARMLESS Katie Connolly dba gloWithin, Joie de Vivre Yoga from any and all liability for any damage to property or personal injury of any nature to any third party, resulting from Your use of or presence on the premises and Your participation in Yoga and Craniosacral and Somatoemotional Release Activities;

3. If medical care is rendered to You as a result of injury, You consent to that care if You are unable to give consent for any reason at the time the care is rendered;

4. This agreement is effective and binding upon your heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators, assigns, and representatives, in the event of your death or incapacity;5. This agreement and any rights, duties, and obligations as between the parties to this agreement shall be governed by and interpreted solely in accordance with the laws of the Province of British Columbia and no other jurisdiction; and6. Any litigation involving the parties to this agreement must be brought within the Province of British Columbia and the parties attorn to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the Province of British Columbia.

AGREEMENT: You are not relying on any oral or written statements made by Katie Connolly dba gloWithin, Joie de Vivre Yoga with respect to the safety of Yoga and Craniosacral and Somatoemotional Release Activities and other activities provided by gloWithin and related practitioners, and sharing a common space other than what is set forth in this Waiver. You confirm that, before signing this Waiver, You have read and understood it and You are aware that by signing this Waiver, You are waiving certain legal rights which You or Your heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators, assigns, and representative may have against Katie Connolly. By signing below, You acknowledge that You have read and understand this waiver and You voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions listed above.

North Vancouver, BC
