My Predictions for 2025
Welcome to 2025! While this year is starting off on a precarious note in the global political and economic landscape... I actually hold hope. If you're on my email list, you may have read some of my reasons why in the newsletter I sent before Christmas. I also shared some exciting changes coming to gloWithin, and touched on the idea of cocooning. Let's dive in!
What Does 2025 Hold?
In my newsletter, I shared that as an armchair astrologer I can't help but see the emotional and sleep patterns that show up particularly in regards to emotions, challenges, and sleep around moon transitions and other astrological events. This is why I dove deeper into personally following the Moon cycles and integrate some of this into my work, particularly with children's sleep.
So what does 2025 hold? None of us actually know and I think we're in for some surprises, but before we get to my thoughts (which is all they are), let's look at your 2025!
What does 2025 hold for you?
This is a 9 year (2+0+2+5) if you are interested in numerology, which is a concluding year. The major theme here is letting go, particularly of anything not serving since 2017.
What themes have been highlighted for you over this period?
What have your learned and how have you grown?
How are these experiences informing how you live?
Where do you want to focus your intention (your energy)?
When we get clear on our intention and allow the rest to fall away, we find ourselves in greater alignment with what truly brings us peace and joy. This is important for everyone, and as a parent, this is especially helpful to be aware of. Why?
It allows us to be intentional with our time and energy
Our children can sense when we are at ease & it puts them at ease
We lead by example in honouring our gifts we can here to share, so our children can too!
If you want to know your personal year number, here's a good little site.
A look at 2025 astrologically:
This year has an overarching theme of chaos and liberation. In order to help navigate this, my suggestion is to focus on simplicity and gratitude. Often when we choose to navigate chaos by hanging on for dear life, we get thrown even bigger curve balls. If we are able to see chaos as an opportunity for growth, not always easy, we find strength and stability within ourselves which leads to freedom. Freedom from what others think, out-dated ways to approaching life, and to be the person we were intended to be. This is where focusing on the intention becomes so important.
November 19th 2024 was also the official Age of Aquarius, when Pluto the planet of transformation, transitioned into humanitarian, hopeful, and creative Aquarius. Yes, there is a lot we could be worried about politically, economically, and even socially with AI... but this is a powerful period of change. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius we saw the American, French, Spanish Revolutions and more! Change is never easy, but we can't grow without it.

What Does 2025 Hold for gloWithin?
Changes I am so excited to share! Last Fall I finally publicly shared my Near Death Experience after the University of Virginia's Department of Perceptive Studies confirmed it as such. When I received this confirmation, I cried as I had hid this experience close to my heart for 18 years fearing what other's might think of me. But this experience turned my life upside down in the most beautiful way and reconnected me to my life purpose I intuited as a child. I also turned 40 in November, and in December completed my Masters in Counselling Psychology, something I had been wanting to do since I was 26.
Over the Fall I also began to collaborate with Asana at Home, who will now be hosting all my online yoga teacher trainings - I will still host my Children's and Pre & Postnatal YTTs. I also partnered with another organization who bought my many of my other trainings. And I am excited to be more active again in LeadWell, an organization focusing on corporate leadership and wellness my friend Alex and I co-founded in 2019!
So what does this mean?
Last year was definitely a lead up to a 9 year of conclusions, although personally it was a 2 year - partnerships, and I can not wait to offer you greater support through enhanced experiences! Since December I have been cocooning and sorting backend details, allowing me to focus on the population gloWithin was primarily intended to serve - highly sensitive and neurodiverse individuals and families. The other work and populations I am passionate about supporting with my courses are now being served by organizations devoted to them... which ultimately means a better experience for you! In the next couple of months I will be sharing more specific details, events, and enhanced online courses based on my expertise and those I am collaborating with.
Stay tuned for exciting things to come, and I'd love to hear your intentions for the new year!
🌺 Katie